Here's your chance to...

Receive an Instant downloadable PERSONALISED BLUEPRINT + Audio Overview that provides Insights into your 'Natural Gifts & Talents, how you're here to be of Service for Others, what brings you Vitality, as well as the ideal way  to bring in abundance and prosperity whilst creating impact and influence in the lives of Others!'


Your biggest Gifts & your biggest Talent can potentially be your Vocation when implemented and integrated into your Work

Your Life's Work Theme (an option you can choose to follow)

Determine  your Ideal Work Nurture Environment that enhances Work Output, Efficiency & Fow of information

How you attract Abundance, Vitality and Prosperity to flow in with less friction.

Think of the CONTRIBUTION MASTERY like opening a pandoras box to unlock what you're really here to do in your work that you truly love and ideal strategy on how to take aligned action to move in that direction.

 This is your chance to get my personalised perspective on how you can take your Expertise, Experience and Knowledge to create a Working Life that is leaves you driven, motivated and fulfilled.

 Let me help you pave the path, to begin the process to authentically and naturally attune to your gifts, talents and abilities so you can say bye to a mundane working life and hello to a fulfilling and impactful future instead.

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    One-time payment ($397.00)$397.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $199.00)2x $199.00

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Once you sign up for
here's what will happen:

You will be sent a 'Contribution Clarity Breakthrough' overview Google form to fill in so I can get the full picture of your current Working Life

Receive your personalised 'UNLEASH YOUR MASTERY' Blueprint (PDF summary report) via email

+ Personalised Audio Summary

 You have a week to read and contemplate Insights provided in your Blueprint.  You will then be provided with the option to receive  advice and guidance on how you can begin to take aligned actionable and tangible steps to leverage your knowledge and step into the Impact - Driven Influential Leader you know you're  Born to Be!

Option: Choose between an In-Person Group Workshop or Virtual Group Workshop (between 3 - 15 people) 

  • Total payment
  • 1xContribution Mastery$0

All prices in AUD

Omgg!!! Thank you Amy , you just blew me away with this. Everything you have said in the audio it felt like a reflection of me describing me . It felt 100% accurate. I was like how can someone know me so well I had goosebumps when listening to the audio. And whatever you have said and the advice you have given feels very motivating. Understanding certain aspects of my personality and not knowing how to control them can be very challenging. But with this reading at least I know what to look out for You have given me so much clarity to who I am, as at times, I felt weird. But now I understand better Really Amy, Thank you so much


Thank you Amy for introducing me to the wonderful world of Human Design and for putting my profile together. I was excited to meet up with Amy, where she took the time to explain all aspects of my Human Design. It was fascinating to discover my personal power. Having knowledge of this gave me assurance that I was heading in the right direction with some of my life aspirations and goals, and now I can use this to my advantage to help myself and others. I also discovered some other interesting things. I always thought I was indecisive, but through this Human Design assessment, I discovered that this isn't the case. In fact, I am a person who needs extra time for clarity to come to me in order to make a decision, which could take up to 2-3 days. Knowing this made me so happy because I have been judged in the past for being indecisive. Overall, I was very happy with Amy's service and would happily recommend her. Nat P"


I am grateful to Amy to have introduced me to my human design and helped me find clarity in my life. Once I got to know my type and profile, I am better equipped to understand myself and how to make a difference in my own life and how I respond to others. Knowing my human design has helped me to shift the pressures of the mind. I now understand what it means to be a projector and how it really defines who I am as a person. Amy has helped me understand that my type is destined to be a leader and guide others by sharing my knowledge. I have also learned how to harmonise with the world around me and align my energy in order to live to its fullest.


"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder